In Need of a Brain Injury Lawyer in Grand Rapids, Michigan?

Experienced Brain Injury Attorneys in Grand Rapids, Michigan

Severe brain injuries disrupt the life of the person injured and their loved ones. Life-long care could be required, as well as modifications to your home. When the brain injury was caused by medical malpractice, we can help you receive compensation to pay for care and modifications, as well as to help compensate for the emotional impact a brain injury has.

Brain injuries can be the result of medical malpractice in a variety of ways. Medical mistakes made during a mom's pregnancy, labor and child birth often result in brain injuries to the baby. Brain injuries as a result of failure to monitor the baby in utero, failure to do an emergency c-section, and failure to identify and respond to a placental abruption are common mistakes.

Brain injuries can also happen to adults. Here are common mistakes that result in brain injuries:

  • Failure to timely identify and treat a stroke,
  • Medication errors,
  • Anesthesia errors,
  • Failure to timely identify and treat a heart attack,
  • Surgical errors causing excessive bleeding,
  • Failure to follow aspiration precautions, and
  • Failure to diagnose and treat pulmonary embolism.

Areas We Cover

I think my doctor made a mistake. What next?

Get the compassion you deserve.

If you or your baby were injured during the prenatal or delivery periods, you need a team of innovative and experienced brain injury trauma lawyers. Based in Grand Rapids, Hoffer & Sheremet accepts brain injury cases throughout the State of Michigan. We will help your family get the compensation you deserve. Call today for a free consultation 616.278.0888, email us, or fill out our free consultation form below.

If you believe that you or your baby suffered injury and damages due to negligence at the hands of medical professionals, contact Hoffer & Sheremet. The next steps would typically include the following:

  • Gather and review medical records;
  • Retain expert witnesses;
  • Speak to treatment providers about your prognosis;
  • Interview you and close loved ones regarding the impact the injury has had on your life;
  • Calculate your medical expenses, out of pocket expenses, lost wages, loss of future earnings and other economic damages;
  • Send a demand letter to the hospital and medical providers to attempt pre-suit settlement;
  • Serve a Notice of Intent on the hospital and medical providers;
  • At the expiration of the Notice of Intent waiting period, file the Complaint and Affidavit of Merit to initiate litigation;
  • Conduct discovery;
  • Handle motions, court proceedings, and facilitation;
  • Try the case if there is no settlement.

Start Your Free Case Review

Or call us at 616.278.0888. No appointment is necessary for an initial phone consultation.